Sweet September: Certified Organic Mangos and New Certified Organic Trail Mix
You did it! You survived an epic hot summer! Now that September is here, maybe you’re thinking of the kiddos heading back to school, imagining where you might go on your next vacation, enjoying time outdoors with friends and family and enjoying beautiful, healthful fruits and nuts (of course).
As you know, the majority of the fruits and nuts we offer are those that we grow ourselves and those that are sourced from nearby growers. We actually went far away to partner with the grower of our beautiful tropical Certified Organic Mangos. These super-nutritious, brilliantly colored fruits are grown by a trusted grower who cares for his community and provides employment opportunities that help the workers support their families. You don’t need a plane ticket to take a little trip to the tropics and to see what Mango growing is about. Just click here to check out a cool little micro-documentary series! It’s inspiring and shows some of the good things that are going on around the world.

You didn’t even have to leave the comfort of your home to take that virtual-vacay! Back to those pleasantly chewy, orangey-pink fruits: They’re GMO-free, additive-free and fat-free. Yes, they’re amazing enjoyed just for their sweet, tropical flavor, but if you want more reasons just do an online search to see what the experts have to say.
Our Certified Organic Dried Mangos are great enjoyed just as they are, but if you want to make a tropical treat that are totally devour-worthy, make up a batch of our Mango-Pineapple Energy Balls. Be brave. Get creative. Your friends and family will thank you.

Now about that NEW Berry and Nut Trail Mix: This is a fun energy-boosting blend that you can feel good about enjoying! It’s made up of all Certified Organic, GMO-free, additive-free Dried Bananas, Dried Blueberries, Walnuts, Dried Cherries, Raisins and Dried Strawberries. We think we hit it right when we came up with this blend. Grab a bag and take it on your next hike, keep a stash in your desk for a snack break, send some to school with the kids or just pour a nice big bowlful to enjoy as a snack at home. Can’t get enough? Try tossing a handful onto your morning oatmeal or yogurt or adding some to a green salad! No sticky, messy fingers and yes on the flavor and nutrition!
If all this talk about fruity-nutty goodies has your stomach rumbling then you’ve come to the right place. From now through the end of September, pick up any quantity of our Certified Organic Dried Mangos for 30 percent off, or just $11.89 per pound. We don’t want to come off as bossy, but we think you NEED to pick up some of that great NEW Certified Organic Berry and Nut Trail Mix and check it out for yourself for 25 percent off from now through the end of this month. They’re 25 percent off, or just $14.99 per pound. If the thoughts of all those fun, healthy fruits and nuts has you craving more, good, ‘cause we’re also offering our Certified Organic Protein Trail Mix, Certified Organic Dried Black Figs, Certified Organic Dried Cherries, Certified Organic Roasted Pistachios (Unsalted, In Shell), Certified Organic Dried Red Flame Seedless Raisins and Certified Organic Dried Pears all for a nice 10 percent off from now through the end of this month.
So let yourself bask in the last of the summer days, keep these tasty and healthful treats on hand and dream of tropical places where Mangos grow in soft, warm breezes. Happy September, friends!