Raisin d’Etre: Organic Thompson Seedless-style!

Raisin d’Etre: Organic Thompson Seedless-style!

With spring upon us, isn’t it nice to enjoy longer and maybe warmer days? The gray and wet winter was good, though. We sure needed that rain! Here in California’s Central Valley we finally had enough precipitation to bid good-bye to our long drought – at least for a while. With those rains came a longer and much-appreciated season of greenery around here. Our water table got a nice boost, our reservoirs were more than replenished and our local irrigation district granted us and our fellow farmers the water we need to grow our food crops. We all feel a sense of restoration and optimism.

Besides us humans enjoying the benefits of having a break in that drought, our local trees and vines have been thanking Mother Nature, too. Among the many crops that benefited from this shot of moisture is our locally grown Organic Thompson Seedless Grapes. Grown by farmers who share our passion for organically produced food in the Fresno area, just to the south of us. You know that we love to sing the praises of our local sustainably produced fruits and nuts. 

Besides being organic, packed with nutrition, and great-tasting, they’re a healthful addition to your diet. But you knew that. Experts tell us that they’re a good source of nutrients and have many health benefits. What a win: Healthful AND delicious. Both at the same time.

To give you another reason to enjoy Organic Thompson Seedless Raisins, we’re offering them at 25 percent off all month. That’s a simply sweet $5.24 per one-pound bag. At this price you’ll want to keep a stash in your desk, your gym bag, in the kiddos’ lunch bags and even in your candy dish. Heck, you’ll want to find ways to bring them to the dinner table too, like with a nice, savory chicken dish. Get excited, get inspired and get stocked up on these golden beauties! Think of them as rays of sunshine in every bite!


Organic Thompson Seedless Raisins Bella Viva
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